Title: SOC_00781-en Reference code: SOC_00781Title: Studio portrait of Tatiana (Tania) PaukerPhotographer: unknownCreation date: c.1944-1945Physical description: an envelope containing: 1 film negative, 1 parchment paper envelopeDimensions: black and white film negative 6,2 x 6,1 cmNotes: on parchment envelope "Tov. Tania Pauker"Technique: black and white film negativeLocation: Comments: Digitization: Serioja BocsokKeywords: communism, Tatiana (Tania) Pauker, girl, portrait, studio, dress, urban costume, Ana Pauker, daughter, indoorRelated images: SOC_00742Legal rights: Collection of Mihai and Anca Oroveanu